Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Who's the Boss?

This entry is dedicated to my best friend, or "BFF", if you prefer. To protect her anonymity, I will herein be referring to her as "the Boss".

The Boss is an amazing friend for a lot of reasons. She is outgoing, fun, trustworthy, loves to go to biker bars and is the Myrtle Beach Booty Shake champ of spring break '98. On top of all of that, she always seems to know the right things to say. This is an especially useful quality to me, because I need another person I can count on to backup my boyfriend. He typically knows all the wrong things to say.

Today is a perfect example - and here is how it all transpired: I was able to procure some information about a mutual friend, thanks to my admittedly abhorrent proficiency at myspace snooping. Unfortunately, I cannot pinpoint the specifics of this information for you. A) because the person in question could be reading and B) because I feel that I may be judged for my levels of shock and horror at the information in question.

The important thing to understand is that I was looking for a commiserate. Someone who would validate my reaction, and echo my despair. I immediately called my boyfriend.

BF: "Hello"

HoneY: "Person... A... Is... Doing... X. Y. Z."

BF: "ok"


BF: "Is that good or bad? That's good right?"

HoneY: "You have got to be kidding me! Don't you think that is just INSANE!!??!"

BF: "not really"

HoneY: "I've gotta go."

This was just wholly unacceptable. How could he not hear from the distress in my voice that this was not a GOOD thing! Not a good thing at all!! And not only is it bad - it's shocking. Be a little shocked - would ya?!?

At this point I knew that only a best friend could make the world right, so I texted the Boss, and she delivered:

HoneY: "Person A is doing XYZ"

The Boss: "Holy Shit!"