Friday, June 24, 2011

242 Days Left - Getting Back in the Saddle

Me enjoying Down & Derby Roller Disco!

Well gang, it would appear I have dropped the ball for the past month or so.  Rest assured that I have been quite busy with bucket-list worthy adventures, although I have skipped posting them here.  Some of the highlights have included:

  • getting settled into a new apartment
  • my first trip to the New York Aquarium
  • making not one, but TWO awesomely stress inducing custom cakes
  • taking in a Yankees game at the new stadium
  • taste testing one-too many lobster rolls
  • one weekend in Delaware and one in Montauk
  • the Big Apple BBQ
  • my first ever whitewater rafting adventure
  • AND fulfilling a big personal goal by attending a roller disco (pictured above)

I know there are even more things I'm forgetting!  It has been a busy few weeks, without a doubt!

Just so you don't feel totally left out, below are a few of the pictures I WOULD have posted if I were keeping up.

I was OBSESSED with the Jellyfish tanks at the NY Aquarium

Red Hook Lobster Pound wins the "Honey's Favorite roll" contest by far!

The infamous plaid cake I made for @joeyhodges birthday

Best Dessert award goes to the blueberry cobbler from Blue Smoke Bake Shop

Team red prepping for a grown-folks field day in Prospect Park!

Opening of the Beekman Beer Garden in FiDi

A beyond beautiful weekend in Montauk!

I hope to do a better job of posting from here on out.  365 days are a lot!!  It makes me realize I have a lot of youth left.  :)

Till tomorrow... 

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