Saturday, February 26, 2011

#361 - Complete the "Drinks Around the World" Challenge at Epcot

Evil Seagull in the Italy area at World Showcase

This was a major bucket list item and I am SO HAPPY I chose it as my official birthday celebration.

A huge group of us took this on and more than half of us actually finished.  The goal is to have one drink in each of 12 countries at Epcot's World Showcase.  We all wore matching shirts and really embraced the cheesy goodness that is Disney!!

The stops along the way are Mexico, Norway, China, African Outpost, Germany, USA, Italy, Japan, Morocco, France, UK, and Canada.  Yes.  We had at least one beverage at them all.  We also came away with a few wearable souvenirs (who doesn't need a rickshaw hat or viking helmet?).

Just about every country had a beer that was authentic to the region.  We tried Casa Beer from Morocco and something called "Safari Amber" in Africa.  We were told that the latter is actually brewed exclusively for Disney by Anheuser-Busch and you can only get it in the parks.  Pretty cool!  Other highlights were the Avocado Margarita in Mexico (I know this sounds weird, but I swear it's amazing) and Limoncello Slushie in Italy.  I actually had vino in Italia - but all my tour buddies assured me it was the best!

The Drink Around the World website was a really good resource for planning our trip.  We also got a few tips from friends who had attempted it before.  The best advice is to stay hydrated (it's HOT in Florida!) and don't get too caught up to eat.  I found that this was not much of a problem since you're confronted with some of the best treats in the world at every stop!

I feel like this was a great addition to my 365 because it's one of those things you can really only get away with in your 20s.  Some day I will be back and doing Disney "family style" and I'll know I never missed out on a thing.

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