Sunday, March 20, 2011

#341 - The "New" Cottage

I don't know what this means but it's weird.

Tonight we had a long overdue group Cottage outing. 

The tradition of cheap Chinese food and all-you-can-drink complimentary boxed wine has been in place with this friend group since long before I moved to the city.  For more than 5 years now we have shown complete loyalty to The Cottage located at 77th and Amsterdam.  I think I knew the cross streets for this restaurant before I knew where I lived.  It has been, at minimum, a bi-monthly event and my friends from out of town have all begun including it on their list of "places to see".

Sadly, word has gotten out about THE Cottage.  Apparently many people want free Franzia and an amazing tasting meal for less than $15 per person.  Lately, this has manifested itself in the form of lengthy wait times, abrupt service, and a direct proportional relationship between total spend and number of wine carafes received.  These are wholly unacceptable developments for those of us who consider ourselves old-timers.

Solution: the NEW Cottage.  (aka Sunny Chinese Cuisine)

This place has all our favorites from the original, with smaller crowds and less attitude.  The only drawback is location.  It's waaaay on the Upper East Side which is a virtual no-man's land for those of us who don't live on the 4,5,6...  or have a driver. 

Nonetheless, it has become a viable option for those days when our group is large or we aren't up for a wait.  I don't think we'll be fully forsaking the original any time soon - it's become a far too deeply ingrained ritual - but the alternative is pretty comparable if not better.

The real focus of these meals is not food, anyway (though I know the boys would argue this point).  It is about our "New York family".  It has become a staple get-together, and these days is one of only a few.  Our lives are all taking their own direction, and it's nice to come back together once in a while.  We have helped each other navigate the awkward waters of the post-college years, and I think that's grounds for relationships that will last a lifetime. 

Here's hoping that at some point during that lifetime we'll wise up, drop the 8 bucks on a box of wine and just order in. 

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